Excellence University Blog

Posts filed under 'Tutorial'

January 21st, 2013

Adding a User from an Old Plan to a New Plan

by Dr. Brian Higley | Add comment

The Mission Fulfillment System will not allow you to “Add a New Person” on the People Tab if an account for the individual (i.e., the “Existing Person”) already exists on another plan. Any user already on the system must be added to an additional plan by:

  • Selecting the new plan (from the list under “Name” on the left-hand side of the screen) to which you want to add the Existing Person.

  • Clicking on the “Add Existing Person” link on the upper right-hand side of the screen (under the “Products Tab”). 

  • Locating the Existing Person by first and last name.

  • Clicking on the “Add Person” button on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

Once this process in complete, the Existing User will added to the new plan.

January 1st, 2009

Planting More Goals (Plan Tab/Add Subitem)

by Dr. Brian Higley | Add comment

Below are intstructions on how to use your Plan Tab. You may wish to read these instructions while also viewing your system.

December 30th, 2008

Reflecting on Your Growth/Pruning the Tree (Plan Tab/Modify Item)

by Dr. Brian Higley | Add comment

Follow these instructions to modify items on your system:

December 23rd, 2008

Watering Your Tree (Execute Tab), Observing Your Growth (Progress Tab)

by Dr. Brian Higley |

Below are instructions on how to use your Execute and Progress Tabs.  You may wish to read these instructions while also viewing your system: (more…)

EBSS - Execution Boost Support System

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